Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stay Young by moving your brain

Sometimes you feel that you can not remember the words? They know that right at the tip of the tongue, but they are not, for whatever strange reason, the mind. This occurs with age and can be extremely frustrating. Time to react is now.

Train your brain is as important as exercising the muscles when you want to stay healthy and young. Almost every game or puzzle can help stimulate the brain and that includes making and quizQuizzes and other tests. Here are some ideas on what to do to stimulate your brain power and can stay in business.

. A puzzle: the puzzles are almost everywhere these days: in newspapers and magazines, you can buy the puzzle books are available on many online gaming sites and you can usually select Puzzles by topic or subject and skill level.

2. The game Sudoku is a number that cana real challenge. The goal is to fill a 9x9 grid with numbers so that each column and row sub-system (the "boxes") contains all the digits 1 to 9. Crossword as such, you will find these pressing game brain in many newspapers, websites and magazines.

3. puzzle of the brain that often mathematics and logic-based puzzle in intelligence tests and there are many books that you can buy brains, that your help falling in this class exercise that will help. AlthoughYou do not know the answer to almost, you can bet that you tried to wreck your brain, find it and then improve at the same time.

4. Brain Teasers puzzles, quizzes, tests, exams and puzzles are all mind to improve the health of your brain. They are challenging and fun and something you should do every day to exercise your brain.

5. These interactive exercises Brain activities help to build mental strength. Find OpticalIllusions and online games where you play the Stones / graphics by clicking on the boxes.

6. Reading and perhaps most important, then READ. It helps so fresh in your brain and remember forgotten meanings and spelling, all distracted with age. Better yet, read things I know nothing, but may have an interest, if the garden, for example, is a passing interest for you, then, why not take a book and read about specific plantsSpecies. In other words, expand your knowledge base and to extend and keep strong nerves.

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